Friday, April 1, 2011

We HAVE To Say Something About Jamie Foxx And's 'American Idol' Pe...


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via MTV Buzzworthy Blog by Nicole James on 4/1/11

Credit: Getty Images/FilmMagic

It's kind of our journalistic duty to discuss the goings-on in pop culture (good and bad), so we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about that performance of "Hot Wings" by Jamie Foxx and that happened on American Idol on Thursday.

First of all, um, what? What was happening on stage!? We know the song is from the new animated film Rio, which is about a bird who gets a bikini wax or something, so we get the costumes (kinda), but why on Earth were there approximately 30,000 (rough estimate) back-up dancers? Hey guys, LESS IS MORE. Also, if Jamie Foxx and "want to party" and "want to samba" so bad, then why is Jamie dressed for a night at the strip club and why is sporting 1920's finest prohibition gear? Just saying! And one more thing -- with all the crazy bird and jungle sound effects going on in the background, we could barely hear Jamie Foxx and, which (I think) is the reason they were performing in the first place.

Hey, we're not saying "Hot Wings" is the worst song we've ever heard or anything, we're just saying that we kind of understand all the backlash from it. We think the song would have probably been better received in a different context, like maybe during the actual movie when it was supposed to be heard...after the credits. Kidding!

+ Check out Jamie Foxx and's performance of "Hot Wings" on "American Idol."


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