Friday, April 1, 2011

Star Spotting: Beyonce, Is That You?


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via MTV Buzzworthy Blog by Eliot Glazer on 4/1/11

Credit: Splash News

By now, we all know Beyoncé Knowles is one of the most stunning women on the planet, her beauty so jarring that Jay-Z might be considered the luckiest man alive, and not just because he uses sacks of money as pillows. His wife was always a very pretty lady, but at some point, she blossomed into something radiant, carrying with her a certain glow that forced Oprah to touch her face because it looked so much like porcelain (yo, what's your secret, B?). In fact, you know that "halo" she sings about? It's not just really good lighting. It like... lives and breathes inside of her. You can't buy that.

So imagine our surprise when we saw this picture of Beyoncé at a photo shoot at an old motel in New Jersey. Maybe it's the fact that she's at a motel in Jersey, but we couldn't believe it was her. Beyoncé isn't one to have an "off day," so let's assume that the denim maxi and the furry overcoat is all part of one giant plan to make Beyoncé look intentionally silly.

Because, seriously, that is not an easy thing to do if you've ever seen her before. The girl's pores are made of gold! Wait... This actually somehow almost works. Because even an off photo of Beyoncé is still 1 trillion times better than the BEST photo ever taken of people like us, who are mere mortals. DAMN YOU, BEYONCÉ! YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN.


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