Thursday, February 10, 2011

Couple Arrested For Locking Their Child In A Bathroom For Six Years


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50-year-old Brian G. Hart and 49-year-old Rivae Hart are accused of locking their now 9-year-old granddaughter for a total of six years in a bathroom.

Since the girl was 3-years-old, the girl was locked in a bathroom where the door was blocked by dressers and would sleep on a cot.

The Hart's said that they had locked the girl in the bathroom because of behavioral problems and the couple would let the girl out to go to school and supposedly on special occasions. However, the last special occasion she was let out for was Christmas in 2007.

Police were alerted to the situation after the girl told a school nurse, yet this was not the first time the girl reached out for help.

The girl had reached out to a school employee years ago, but no action was taken.

The Hart's are now both charged with child endagering and kidnapping. Both are being held on 50,000 dollar bond.




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