During a performance on 106 &Park, Mr. Combs, while making it rain with a mix of fake and real cash, accidently made it hail on one lucky audience member when his diamond ring flew off his hand into the crowd. When the audience found out that Diddy had real cash mixed in the fakes ones, they went bananas, like any teenager would.
"The audience went wild," said BET spokeswoman Marcy Polanco. "We were like, 'Oh, my God!' " The 20,000 dollar ring was announced missing when the cameras got cut and that's when Diddy called on the goons (Security).
Immediately following the taping, security started frisking all the kids who were on their knees searching for the ring and the cash. The search included metal detectors and body frisking. However, after searching everyone, the ring did not come up and Diddy had lost it to the “finders keepers rule.”
Diddy reportedly even went as far as to rip up about half the set trying to find it, but still had no luck in his search. During Diddy's hostage rampage, a lot of the audience members were upset and understandably offended by the frisking.
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